Beautiful Home with a pool
My forever big dream

My Forever Big Dream, every since I can remember, I have always dreamed of a really big house, with lots of rooms . My Mom & Dad always told us to shoot for the moon, and even if you miss, you will land amongst the stars. We have many dreams, but we may not achieve all of our goals, because of certain constraints. Dreaming big is important so, even if we don’t achieve our goals, we will fall somewhere close. My reality is, I followed my Mom & Dad’s footsteps, working hard everyday to keep food and shelter for my family. Even though, my dream of purchasing that mansion never materialized, I didn’t realize I was never going to achieve my goals just by working a regular forty hour job, (if only I had of known). Now that I am an affiliate of RRR247 where dream happen I am well on my way.

Dreaming Big Is The First Step To Success

When one dreams big, he does not put any restriction on himself. There are no limits to how big my dreams can be. At one point in my life, I even dreamed of having twelve children when I was younger, I loved babysitting around our neighborhood. My Mom use to say (with a smile, when you have your first child, you will change your mind about that). I have to admit she was right, again as usual. I am very happy with what the good Lord, blessed me with, my three healthy and beautiful sons. Although, I didn’t have twelve myself, I am blessed with, Nine Granddaughters & Ten Grandsons, I truly feel that, that was one of my big dreams. Of having a big family!!!

Peace Begins With A Smile

Vacation on an Island
My forever big dream

Although, I have no achieved my forever big dream yet, I’m still blessed with just some of my big dreams. And ,I feel that I can still achieve anything that I dream of. Even though it may take a while, it can still be achieved. Dreaming, is part of life, becoming more confident, and, having a set goal is important. And making an effort to accomplish your goals is a life changer. As a matter of fact dreaming is one of the best ways to accomplish your goals. By dreaming big you will always have a high standard for yourself in life. I’m not dissatisfied with my life but, when I accomplish something small, it’s not very hard to do.

Bringing My Forever Big Dream To Life

A big Cruise ship
my forever big dream

I have been dreaming big for most of my life. Now that I am an adult, I have more options to make most of my dreams come to life. Even though I haven’t purchased that big ole house that’s in my forever dream, it’s still not to late. I have a goal to take my family on a cruise, I’m shooting for maybe, the Caribbean, or, Hawaii and, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, of Tennessee is one of my dreams as well. This dream I feel is really achievable at this point in my life. I have very high expectations that to make this happen sometime in the near future. I’m a, God fearing woman, and I know with God walking with me this forever dream is possible. Now being a member of RRR247 is a step closer to achieving my forever dream.

Relaxing Is My Forever Dream

And, While I’m vacationing I will most definitely be enjoying some Fine Wine, from the DTC Ambassador Club. If I am relaxing in the sun I will enjoy some white wine, and then when night hits I will enjoy some red wine with my dinner. I am very sure that I will dance the night away with not a care in the world. Although in my mind I will be dancing with my late (brother) who passed away on 12/11/2022 as he loved to dance, My brother will definitely be with me every step of the way he was my biggest fan, Oho how I will miss my big brother forever and a day!!

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